NetResults Tracker Knowledge Base Article
Steps to assign records to a group of users
Article ID  72
Article Type  Procedures / Documentation
Product  NetResults Tracker
Oldest Version  6.0.0
Newest Version  Latest Release
Publication Date  05/05/2004 04:14:12 PM
Last Updated  04/23/2019 10:16:19 AM
This article provides information for assigning records to a user group.

Create a User Group

Create a user group which has all of the users to be assigned to the same records. For information for creating user groups, refer to the User Groups Help section.

Designate a user account to represent the user group

Choose a user account to represent the user group which will be assigned to the records. You can use the "TBD" user account to represent the group or you can create a new user account for this purpose. Information for creating user accounts can be found in the Adding a User Help section.

Which State will be the queue?

Select the state in which the records will be assigned to the group. Is the state where records will be assigned to the group the 1st step of the workflow? If so, use the following steps to configure the workflow for this situation. If not, click here for different instructions.

Configuration when queue is the 1st step of the workflow

Check which state is the Default Add State for the workflow:

  1. Login as Admin and click on the Admin icon.
  2. Click on the Workflows link.
  3. Select the desired workflow in the pulldown at the top. The page will be updated to display its properties.
  4. In the Forms section, locate and expand the desired form. Check what state is listed for "Default Add State".
Set the state manager to be "TBD" for the Default Add State:
  1. Login as Admin and click on the Admin icon.
  2. Click on the Projects link.
  3. Select the desired project in the pulldown at the top. The page will be updated to display its properties.
  4. In the Forms section, locate and expand the desired form. Click on the Manage link to the right of State Managers.
  5. Select "TBD" for the state listed as the default add state, then click OK. If there is a pulldown at the top of this page, state managers are configured based on a pulldown field. Select an item in the pulldown, select "TBD" as the state manager for the state listed as the default add state and click OK to save. Click on the Set State Managers button, then select another item in the pulldown at the top, and select TBD as the state manager and click OK. Repeat this until TBD has been selected as the state manager for each item in the pulldown.
  6. Proceed to the Self-Assignment section.
Configuration when queue is not the 1st step of the workflow

To assign the records to the group, create a transition to move records into this state. The transition should have New Assignee set to be TBD (or the user account that represents this group) or set New Assignee to be <State Manager> and set the corresponding State Manager to be TBD. For more information on using State Managers for automatic assignment, please review the Form State Managers Help section.

For details on creating or modifying transitions, please review the Workflow Transitions section.


If you want users to be able to pick up records from the queue and assign them to themselves, create a new transition in the state where records are assigned to the group. Set New Assignee to <Login User> for this transition.

Grant the user group the "Task Records in States" user group privilege and select the state where the records are assigned to the user group. Details can be found in the User Group Privileges Help section.

Create a report to show users the queue

Create a saved query that will act as the "queue" for the user group. To do this:

  1. Login as Admin and click on the Admin icon
  2. Click on the Query icon
  3. Click on the Add button next to the Saved Queries pulldown
  4. Enter a name for the saved query such as "User Group Name Queue", select "Group" as the Query Type, then select the user group and click Next
  5. For the query criteria, select TBD (or the user account that represents the group) in the Assigned To field, select the state where records will be assigned to this group in the Status field
  6. Click OK to saved the query
Each user should configure one of their home page reports to be the "queue" saved query. For information on setting the Home Page Reports, review the Preferences Help section.

Notification Rule

You may wish to notify the user group when something has been added to the queue:

  1. Login as Admin and click on the Admin icon.
  2. Click on the Workflows link.
  3. Select the desired workflow in the pulldown at the top. The page will be updated to display its properties.
  4. Click on the Manage link to the right of Notification Rules.
  5. Create a rule for the Condition "On change of status to <state>" where <state> is the state that is acting as the queue. Select the user group in the Notification List. For more details about adding a rule, please review the Notification Rules Help section.

Multiple Projects

In cases where multiple projects are being processed by multiple user groups and there needs to be a queue for each, use the steps above, but when creating a saved query "queue" for each project group, select the project in the "Project" field so that each project queue will only include records that correspond to that project.
